Uniting the worldwide Cardano community for an unforgettable experience.
Event Videography
Website/Social Media
Nov 2022
With over 1,700 attendees gathered at the main stage event in Switzerland and 30,000 virtual attendees worldwide, the Cardano Summit 2022 was nothing short of spectacular!
Hosted by the Cardano Foundation, this year's summit broke new ground by venturing beyond the US. The mission? Uniting the worldwide Cardano community for an unforgettable experience.
Noonah and First Event joined forces to deliver three unique immersive experiences to excite, guide, and network attendees; the "Cardano Quest" scavenger hunt, "Many Faces of Cardano" virtual photo mosaic, and the Glamdroid, Noonah's cutting-edge content capturing experience.
Our task? We produced individual videos for each experience and an event highlight video to showcase how creativity and tech can be merged to engage attendees and breathe life into events!
Cryptocurrency was a very hot topic at the time of this project. So our research phase was quite effortless. We built vague profiles on a typical Crypto-Investor to find out their interests, what they enjoy and then how we can translate this into a video designed for them.
We concluded on a few key points for this video: